Hi, Im Dan. Lead

Digital Product Designer currently focusing on cutting edge e-commerce design solutions.

Search & refine

Connecting millions of New Zealanders with the things they want. From homes to homeware and everything in-between.

Nice words from my colleges


“Over the years I have increasingly admired Dan's ability to understand how to push our craft just that little bit further - crossing over both technically and aesthetically. It's always made a big difference to creating our world class work and it's something I hope he continues to build on and play to as a strength.”

Howard Hunt

“Daniel is a very gifted designer who always crafts a perfect balance between art, functionality and concept. I've had the pleasure to work with Daniel on some of the biggest American brands such as TROJAN. I would highly recommend Daniel to any smart creative agency.”

Mick de Meijer


“Daniel has a gift for mobile and tablet interface design. Having worked at The Hyperfactory in both NZ and NY since his graduation he has grasped and embraced the intricacies of designing for multiple screen sizes. He is dedicated, a hard worker and a great team player. He would be an asset to any design team.”

Peter Morrison

“I worked very closely with Daniel as a UI Designer and I credit him to much of my current knowledge of design. Dan is an extremely talented and dedicated designer and leader. He understands the field from so many different angles- creative, technology, strategy - and treats every project with the most intimate care and attention to detail. Dan is immaculate with his designs and will work extraordinarily hard to meet deadlines and ensure his deliveries are of the highest caliber. He is constantly searching for better, more innovative solutions for technical problems to share with the group. As a team member, Dan is the nicest guy to work with and challenges us all to strive for the best. He is a true professional, an amazing problem solver and a great person to learn from.”

Stephanie Harris

I have been lucky to work with many top brands.


I am currently working with Trade Me, and have been for the last 8 years. In this time I have had a big impact on several defining pieces of work which still keeps me interested and challenged to this day.

While working with my previous employers, Meredith Xcelerated Marketing and The Hyperfactory I worked with many top brands from NZ and America creating some of the first brand apps and mobile experiences.